High Impact Discovery on Your Entrepreneurial Behavior and How it Affects Your Business.

Find out your individual entrepreneurial profile and how it impacts your business.

Workshop Event for Small Business Owners

Startup Advisory Available!

How I Do It


Proprietary Entrepreneurial Behavior Profile

“Where Do You Fit and Why?”


  • Meaningful Operating Numbers
  • Positive Cash Flow
  • Funding


  • Customized Performance Incentives
  • Efficiency Optimization
  • Capacity Utilization

Marketing & Sales

  • Digital Marketing
  • Affordable Lead Generation
  • Advertising ROI

Proven success.
Risk-free guarantee!*

*Risk-free guarantee. A minimum return is 3 to 1.

Brandon Stevens

Over 3,000 Entrepreneurs Helped Across 48 States, Spanning 4 Decades!

Presented nationally to Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations, and Promoted Private & Public Events!

With a background in manufacturing and IT, during the first 25 years of his career, Brandon built and grew 3 businesses, the largest with a sales volume of over $20 Million. These businesses were operated out of facilities totaling 125,000 square feet!

In his next 22 years, he pursued National Small and Medium-Sized Business Teaching & Consulting, including disciplines in Manufacturing & Distribution, Construction & Transportation, and other Mechanical Trades. Brandon was also Inducted into the Corporate Firm Hall of Fame in 2017 and Awarded the Presidential Meritorious Award for 2019.

He has worked with over 3,000 Entrepreneurial Business Owners throughout his career and is an Entrepreneurial Behavioral Specialist, with a focus on Family Dynamics.

With direct experience across multiple industries, Beacon Business Advisory can help you grow your profits and improve your quality of life!

Frequently Asked Questions

I use a very positive and upbeat approach. Consulting in the small business environment is totally different than consulting in corporate America. Small Business consulting means that I roll up my sleeves and get in the trenches with ownership, family, and staff members. A positive team approach helps create sustainable, positive momentum.

I will need 1 to 4 years of financials. On occasion, the prior year’s tax return may be required. Depending on the circumstances, other documents may be requested.

Ownership attendance is mandatory for two, 1.5 hour workshop sessions, intermittent discussions, and one finding session. I discuss attendee options with ownership. Some clients require confidentiality. Many clients can benefit significantly from family and key management involvement.

No! Each of the two days there will be times you will need to be present. I normally work around everyone’s schedule. If meetings are required early in the morning or late in the evening, I do what is best for the client. If the owner does not have the time to be involved in the process, I will not be able to deliver value and benefit.

My approach has been proven, tested, and modified over many years. I work 1 on 1 with clients and their teams. I integrate Entrepreneurial Behavioral Strategy and technical dynamics that are custom fit for each client. I teach both standard and unique content to owners and managers. Facilitating IMPLEMENTATION makes me unique.

My fee structure is based on identifying potential positive ROI of 2.5 to 1 or higher. If you get value and benefit from the workshop and discovery, I will expect you to pay the fee. If you do not get any value and benefit from the workshop and discovery, you will not be expected to pay the fee.

If you are not getting benefit then we are both wasting our time and money. You are in control. You decide. You may stop the process at any time during the 2 days.

Most clients get a much higher ROI than the amount I am setting as the minimum.

I love teaching and implementing next level entrepreneurial skills, techniques, and dynamics. My passion is to facilitate elements of the entrepreneurial journey that promotes success in business and success in life.

This is what entrepreneurism is all about!!

Coach giving a talk to workers in an office

Brandon helps small business clients achieve
next-level growth with proven solutions.

Years Experience
Industries Served

Starting, Running, and Growing a Business can be challenging and stressful.

Learn and implement solutions that are proven to work and will help you advance on your journey.

Let Beacon Business Advisory shine its light on your path to Success in Business – and Success in Life.